Here's What I Learned: Ditching Biz-as-Usual for Values, Freedom, and Doing It Your Way

Beyond the Dollars: How to Measure Launch Success

Jacki Hayes Season 6 Episode 3
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00:00 | 09:26

In today's episode, I'm talking about the different ways you can measure launch success. Why? Because a $100K launch is not the only way to have a successful launch. Yes, you need to make money because you're running a business. And there are countless other quantitative and qualitative ways to measure the success of your launch. Listen in to hear 14 of my suggestions.

Mentioned in the Episode:

Free workshop - How to Create Launch Goals That Feel Good

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Complete show notes and transcripts can be found at

Follow me on Instagram at @jackihayes_obm

Intro and Outro Music: Atomic by Alex-Productions |

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Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

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